East High Class of 56                                                                  NewsLink        

                              June, 1999 



April 12, 1999 Dinner

   We had a nice turn out for the Dinner get together at the Four Seasons Diner. Robert Duvall and his lovely wife Yvonne were in attendance for the first time. Then told us they were moving somewhere to the South this summer, but, as yet did not know where. Bummer. Keep in touch Bob so we know where you’re at. It was good seeing you the one time at least. We had several new faces at this dinner, several regular  faces were missed. There was some limited discussion in regards to Lyle Simpsons challenge to start a perpetual scholarship fund. It was determined that probably only 20 to 25% would financially support it, and no one offered to step forward and Chair such a fund raising effort, so it died for lack of support. To bad, in concept it sounded like a good idea. Just a lot of good conversation between classmates out for a evening having a good time. The only catastrophe was yours truly, Larry Fogelson got into hot water for mis-communications with my wife to meet at the diner, or if I was supposed to pick her up from work. Oops.


The next dinner get together will be Monday, October 4th,  at The Hilltop Pizza and Restaurant at 6:30 pm. It is located at 2820 Hubbell Ave. We’ll try someplace different this time. Maybe more will come.                                                                            

Those in attendance at this dinner were: Yvonne (Miller) and Ron Nauman, Kay (Edwards) and Chico Alcantar, Shirley (Grant) and Bud Robinette, Robert and Yvonne Duvall, Mary (Crum) and Don Moses, Larry and Jackie Soloman, Jerry and Becky Smith, Don Spaw, Mary Lou (Carnal) and Bill Howard, Barbara(Lowe) and Phil Penn, Janeene (Miller) and Larry Carlise, (Norma) Jean Allsteadt, Nancy (Lund) Belluchi, Larry Fogelson, Pat (Rounds) and Larry Hockersmith, Norma (Treanor) and Bill Burke, Romona (Hitchcock) and Gary Moore, Bob and Connie Trotter.



   Received a E-mail from Harmon Nolte. The Big Harm said he retired in Nov. of 98. He said he had traveled in all of the lower 48 states and part of Canada. He works part time now delivering heavy equipment. He is waiting for his wife to retire this year, then they are going to take a two month trip out to the Northeastern part of the country as she has not been in VT. , N.H. , Maine, R.I., or Conn. They then want to go down and see the Capitol in D.C. and then down the Blue Ridge Parkway before returning home. Harm said his wife got to travel a lot with him in the truck, but missed a lot of Canada. Harm said they would be in Wis.for Xmas Harm had hoped to make it to the last Dinner get together, but apparently could not. Harmon also reminded me that he had a skit in the senior day special at school just before graduation, and was the one running all over the school with a camera in his hands. Maybe we will see you at the next dinner Harm.

Nolte’s e-mail address is BIGHARM7.COM



   Since it is harder to hit a moving target; I Don Lund have moved to 8664 Manassas Road, Tampa, Florida 33635. Thanks for making the change. I don’t know when I will be visiting Des Moines in the future, but I will try to make it to one of the dinners.  I went to the University of Iowa, got a BA in Industrial Psychology in 1960. Joined the Navy through The OCS program. Was stationed aboard the U.S.S. Sirius, a refrigerated cargo ship. Left the ship to join the Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal operation, went through diving and EOD training, and was stationed at the EOD Facility at Indian Head, MD. While stationed in MD I began and completed work on a Master degree at the Univ. of Washington, in DC. I left the Univ. To work for Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp for 4 years. Then I went to Rollins International in Wilmington, and then to the Exchange Bancorporation as VP of Human Resources. I left the bank in 1977 to start D.R.Lund Associates, Inc. A compensation and human resources consulting firm. I merged with another firm in 1980, and due to a number of name changes, was retired from AON Consulting on 7/1/96. From there I have started another Compensation and Human Resources consulting operation. Through continued consulting and Aretirement@, my present wife and I are working at making ends meet.

Don’s e-mail address is LUNDBMW@aol.com

Good hearing from you Don, you were lost for a while.



   I have exchanged numerous e-mail messages with Jan (Webber) Cassidy. Jan would like to hear from some of the other classmates. In particular, at one time she was trying to get a hold of Carolyn Deaton. Jan would like other classmates to e-mail her at:


I enjoy communicating with you Jan.




   I never said I was good at doing the Newslink, but I never thought it was so bad that someone would pay me to have  it stopped. I received the following note. AI am sending you $5.00 for the news letter. But you don=t need to send them from now on. I only went to school there a year and a half. I don=t know any of these people, and I never got to know a lot of people. The only ones I knew, I never kept in touch with@



   Here is my contribution toward keeping the ANewsLink@ alive. I think its a great idea and a good way to keep us Lee Townshipers in touch. How about a website?  Good Luck!

             Nancy (Harris) Robinson


   Dear Larry, I have relocated to a new address. I really enjoy receiving the newsletter. Please forward this check to Shirley.       Thank You.       Pat (Jones) Mondike


   Hi Shirley: Conrad & I enjoy keeping in touch with the AClass of 56" via the NewsLink. We appreciate everyone’s effort in putting it together. Keep up the good work.

           Conrad & Micki (Wright) Rehard


   I enjoy the efforts of the editorial staff. It stretches my memory to recall names of many. But, I enjoy the news. A big thanks.

          Loretta (Woods) Ware


   Dear Shirley, I’ve just received the Dec.98 NewsLink via my mothers contact address. I now receive most business/friendly mail at my foreign address. I would appreciate the NewsLink at this address too. Don’t know how long I’ll be here, but it will be quite a few Years. I enjoy hearing about my classmates.

       Fondly, Mary Kay (Peacock) Sampson 


   Dear Shirley, Thank you for the work you and Larry Fogelson and others are doing in preparing the Class of 56 NewsLink. I always enjoy reading it and catching up on happenings in the lives of our classmates. I hope the enclosed donation will help you continue this effort. I regret that Judy and I will be unable to join you for the April 12th dinner due to the driving distance on a week day evening. We do hope that our schedule will allow us to attend another dinner in the future.  Warmest regards, Ken Viggers  


(Note to Ken! Send me your E-Mail address, and I’ll send you the change of address for one of the names you requested. Larry)     


   To the class of 1956! Enclosed is a small contribution for the continued printing of NewsLink. Thanks to all of you who make the effort to print the newsletter. It is interesting to read about the whereabouts of our class.

        Sincerely,    Art Wittern


(Note to Art! I=ll take you back aways. Back in about 54 or 55, I worked in the Reeds Ice Cream stand in the 2600 block of E. Grand after school, etc. I remember you and your dad coming in and ordering Malts on some of the warm evenings.  Larry)


   Dear Shirley: Your class of  56 NewsLink is excellent. Enclosed is a second installment. I am also enclosing a check for deposit in our savings account with the East High Alumni Foundation to start the scholarship fund.

     Very truly yours, Lyle L Simpson


   In the last NewsLink, Lyle threw out the suggestion that the class might want to think about providing a perpetual annual scholarship, which would be given annually in the Class of  56 name.

   It would require raising $20,000 dollars by our 50th reunion in 2006. We would deliver the final check at the annual alumni banquet in 2006. This would provide an annual scholarship of $1,000 augmented by the Foundation contribution of $500 for a total of $1500 annually to some graduating senior as a perpetual legacy to the name of the >Class of 56. Bill Boyer, Treasurer of the Foundation, would set up a reserve account in the Foundation in the name of our class until we reach the $20,000, at which time the balance would be transferred to the general fund and a scholarship issued annually thereafter in our name. This would only require a $10.00 a year donation from everyone to accomplish. Although it was dismissed for probable lack of support at the last dinner. Please think about it. We would need someone to over see this.



   Received from Mevelyn (Wooderson) Richardson. AWe lived on board our 42' sailboat for 7 months in 1998. Traveled down the East coast Intracoastal Waterway to Florida and then on to the Bahamas. I traveled to beautiful Holland, and to quaint England for a walking tour. Then to Grand Lake, CO. Then to Iowa to help my 90 year young mother who broke her 2nd hip, and for a giggly, walk -down memory lane with 3 childhood girlfriends; Dee Ann (Logan) Brewbaker, Sheryl Woodard, and Lorretta Wallace Dick.

Thanks for the NewsLink. I know it’s a lot of work, but it is worth it! I really enjoy it. I think the older we get, the more time we have to think back on the good ole days.

So enjoyed hearing about Mary Kay (Peacock) Sampson. By the way, en route to the boat for our next trip, we are stopping by Bradenton, FL to see Sharon (Burris) Howze. We were majorettes together for 3 years at East, and 1 year at Cornell College.

Again,  Thanks. Mevelyn

(Note to Mevelyn - Thank you for Nancy Meline Beekman’s address, the only address I had for her was Guatemala.  Larry)



   Last Spring when I received NewsLink I told my wife that I should send some money. Well, it is now December and another NewsLink, so here is a donation.

After a long employment with Ware Manufacturing heading the accounting department, and 28 years of a so-so marriage I left both. I was remarried four years ago to Janet. We found each other at a ballroom dance. We enjoy our dancing weekly, and in the summertime, Golfing. We celebrated last Xmas with my three children and four grandchildren. The little ones are at the right age, 2 to 6 years. I hope the NewsLink will keep coming as I enjoy the news.

                     Don Stevens



   From Barbara (Evans) Priest

We spent Feb and March of 98 in St. Augustine, a lovely old city on the north east coast of Florida. We plan to return in 99. We have many friends living and wintering there . We had lots of visitors last winter--give us a call and stop by if you’re in the area. Saw   Max and Jan Miller several times while there.  Last June we extended our deck on our home in Rangeley, Maine clear across the front of the cabin, so now we live outside as much as in. I was busy landscaping and entertaining: I even got into golf, albeit mainly for fun- My husband Gary, however defended his title as champ of the seniors! Gary is also busy on-line doing genealogy (it will get published soon, we hope) -- and has also discovered how much fun it is to exchange jokes with everyone he knows (contact him at Gnpriest@AOL.com).        

Best Wishes, Barbara (Evans) Priest



    From Carol (Graney) DeChant

I’ve enjoyed the Newsletter so much. My sister Kathleen and her husband moved this year to McAuley Terrace, in Johnston, IA, where our parents live. Our folks celebrated their 66th anniversary this year. Kathleen and I are both retired, though she still does tax returns every year for H&R Block, and I write, which is something I’ve longed to do.

My book, Momma’s Enchanted Supper & Other Stories for the Long Evenings of Advent comes out this October. It’s a growing-up memoir. The title story is about Momma trying to find a husband for our PE teacher at Amos Hiatt, Miss Gertrude Thompson, whom many EHS grads will remember. The book’s a little bit Amos, a little bit East, and lots of Des Moines...over the years. Geneva Overholser, former editor of the DM Register and now a syndicated columnist, was gracious enough to provide this blurb for the back cover.

AThis is a lovely book, at once smart and soulful, funny and full of insight. Amid all our hand-wringing over the loss of what used to be, it’s delightful to be reminded that we have among us today people like Carol DeChant and her richly varied and wonderful family of Iowans. Anyone who wants to see what/who I cover in it, can try the chain bookstores. If they don’t have it, make them order it. Or go directly to www.Amazon.com. It’s a hardcover from Loyola Press, Chicago. 

Fondly, Carol.  E-mail: dechant773@aol.com


  Here is where a very lovely picture of Mary Lou (Katzman) Goodman’s number 3 grandchild along with the proud grandparents was suppose to be. After my begging her to send it to me, I could not retrieve it from my E-mail to put into the newsletter. My sincerest apologies Mary. Maybe I can get it into a later NewsLink, if I ever learn how to convert it into my files. Mary tells me she and her Husband Mike will be grandparents again in September for another little girl, which will give them 2 boys and 2 girls. Mary says she is retiring June 18th after 20 years of working at Intel. Mary says she will keep busy doing volunteer work and putzing around the house. With the Y2K elections ahead Mary plans on being involved in the political arenas behind the scenes. Husband Mike will continue teaching for a few more years. At least they will be able to take advantage of summers off  now. Mary says she owes Iowa a trip, don’t know exactly when, but it’s in the plan. Hasn’t spent a Xmas here since she left in June of 56. Say it’s always fun to hear about  classmates in the newsletters. She appreciated the update on Mary Kay. Mary says she should contact Patty and see if they can get together the next time MK is in the States. That would be a Kick.

Have a great Fathers Day to all the Dads!

Mary L Goodman


Passing of a Classmate:

   Hello Mr. Fogelson, I am the son of Dody, and I have some sad news for you. Dorothy (Angell) Hallberg passed away January 16, 1999. She is survived by 2 children, Cynthia Eleanor Patsche and David William Hallberg.

Please send any donations to the American Cancer Society in Dorothy’s Name.

   Respectfully,  David Hallberg


  In Memoriam to Deceased Classmates

   Richard Bain - Winter of 1998          

   Dorothy (Angell) Hallberg - 1/16/99   

    May their virtues be inscribed in our hearts forever!



   I talked with Gene Davis at his Lower Beaver Quick Shop, and he said he had to pass on going to the Indy 500 race this year. But he has already ordered his tickets for next years. Hope it works out for you Gene. He said this year was the first one he has missed in 27 years.



   Pat (Rounds) Hockersmith informs me that Deanna (Wheatly) Peterson is recovering from cancer, and is currently going through Chemo Therapy treatments. Lets all say a prayer for a very speedy recovery, and send her a get well and thinking about you card.



   Shirley Robinette informs me that we had a good response on the donations for the NewsLink. Thank you. Please don’t stop sending the donations, it won’t hurt to get a little ahead. Besides, it is so humiliating to have to beg. Again, Thank You! I noticed quite a few repeats on the donations. The names of the recent round of contributors are

Eugene Davis-Mevelyn Richardson-Robert Baldwin-Glee Sorenson-Harold Olsen-Loretta Woods Ware-Ken Viggers-Norma Treanor Burke-Lyle Simpson-Barbra Priest-Ramona Hitchcock Moore-Ron Larson-Delores Copeland-Janice Webber Cassidy- Mary Lou Goodman-Art Wittern-Patricia Mondike-Mary Kay Sampson-Conrad & Micki(Wright) Rehard-Donna Wright-George Clark-Nancy Harris Robinson-Don Stevens-Kay (Johnson) Inman-Janice (Holman) Green- Carol DeChant-Barbara (Lowe) Penn- Elinor Snow

Address Change or Corrections May 1999


Carol DeChant

5450 Old Ocean Blvd. #2

Ocean Ridge, FL.  33435


Donna (Nichols) Wilson

612 Meadow Lark Lane

Newton, KS 67114-5626


Judy (Hansen) Honett

2660 - 220th St.

Stanton, IA   51573-4020


Mary Kay (Peacock) Sampson

TAC APT., A BLK, K-9, D-17




Pat (Jones) Mondike

560 - Northeast F St.

Grants Pass, OR   97526-2361


Janet (Beeman) Madsen

3755 Hubbard Ave. North    Apt. 206

 Robbinsdale, MN   55422


Robert L Mentzer

3448-335th  St.

West Des Moines, IA   50266-8000


Donna (Gauerke) Thompson

PO Box 45103

Rio Rancho, NM 87174-5103


Donna (Mattis) Wright

8104 Madison Ave

Urbandale, IA   50322-2458


Charles L Sexton

3857 Montgomery Bldv NE   Apt. 1203

Albuquerque, NM    87109-1012


Nancy (Meline) Beekman

3 Partsbury Lane

Bella Vista, AR   72714


Kathleen (Graney) Finkenauer

5921 Winnwood Dr.

Johnston, IA   50131



Larry Rummans

10 Solida Del Sol

Edgewood, NM   87015


Ray & Sue (Larson) Logan

4000 NE 170th St. #303

N. Miami Beach, FL    33160




Susan (Beebe) Bane - Harold J. Cahow - Helen Cooper - Rev. John W. Hill lll - Sheryl (Deskin) Holsman - Joanne (Bosshardt) Jergens - Gene R. Lewis - Ronald Maiggard - Thomas P. Mason - Bill McGriff - John Moody - Bill Orris - Donald Rehms - Beverly (Adams) Tucker - Harvey Thompson - Buelah (Schovel) Waters -         Tom E. White



   Send items directly to me either by Mail or by E-mail.

Larry Fogelson

3121 - Twana Dr.

Des Moines, IA   50310

E-mail   ChiefFog@concentric.net



   Please send all donations to:

Shirley Robinette

812 - E. 22nd Ct.

Des Moines, IA   50317



   A very  big thank you to my lovely wife Margaret for helping me,  past and present, in stuffing, sealing, labeling, and stamping all the envelopes for the NewsLink. You are a sweetheart.



Private room - separate checks - order off menu


Call Janeene at 984-6030 or Pat at 226-8996 or Larry at 279-0013 to RSVP by Wednesday, Sept. 28th



 I just heard that Kay (Johnson) Inman had been seriously ill in the hospital, but is home now. Get well soon Kay. We are all praying for you!


                HAVE A GREAT SUMMER