To use this service, simply send an email to the list address
as follows:
You email will be forwarded to everyone who is currently subscribed!
It is that simple.
As far as I'm concerned, anything goes as long as a posting doesn't
break any of the following rules:
1. No solicitation, i.e. - NO SPAM
2. Nothing against the law
The list is currently closed - i.e. *NOT* open to anyone except those prospective
subscribers which I approve. The intent is to limit membership to
the Class of 1956. I will approve anyone who claims to be one of those whos
name is in one of the class of 1956 Quills.
To subscribe to the list, send an email message to:
That email must contain the following two lines in the body:
Also, remember you messages you post to the email address
are read by the entire list. If you have something which is meant for
an individual only, then please send email directly to that person's
own personal email address and not to the list address.
If you would like to see the email addresses of all current subscribers, please send
an email message to:
In that message, you need only two lines:
IF YOU WISH TO UNSUBSCRIBE please send an email message to:
In that message, you only need two lines:
If you continue to get messages, simply send me a personal
note at and I will see that you are deleted from the list.
Whenever you use this service, you must use the FROM and REPLY TO addresses you used
when you originally subscribed. If your email address changes, such as when you change
ISPs, you must subscribe again so the list server knows your new email address.
ENJOY! Tom Lettington