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6 Mar 01 - 21 Jun 09
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Here are some pictures of the get together for Pizza and fun at Pagliai's on 9/25/2000. Sorry everyone there wasn't "memorialized"! If you're interested in the manufacture and restoration of fine Silver objects instead of Pizza, check out this site. The wonders of the World Wide Web never cease to amaze me. You can even get a "live" view of Florence, Italy with a click of a mouse here.

Gwen (Brewer) Stubbs - Jean Allsteadt - Nancy (Lund) Belluchi

Tom Abbott - Bud Robinette - Larry Fogelson - - Margaret Fogelson - Shirley (Grant) Robinette - Roberta (Elan) Abbott

Larry Soloman - Dale Wheeler - Marlene (Roberts) Wheeler - Kathleen (Graney) Finkanauer - George Finkanhauer - Jackie Soloman

George & Kathleen (Graney) Finkanauer

Bob & Barbara McAfee

Bob & Donna (Aspengren) Yeager

Nancy (Lund) Belluchi - Steve Larson - Gwen (Brewer) Stubbs - Larry Fogelson - Jean Allsteadt

Bob & Linda Mentzer

Mary Lou (Carnel) Howard - Bill Howard - Ruth (Cook) Haag - Jerry Haag - Gary Moore - Ramona (Hitchcock) Moore

Arlene Spaw - Don Spaw - Connie Trotter - Bob Trotter

Chico Alantar - Kay (Edwards) Alcantar

Rhea Jean (Johnson) Hawxby - Larry Willson - LaVae (Konz) Willson

Bill & Sally Hutton - Jerry Smith - Becky Smith

Yvonne (Miller) Nauman - Rolland "Sonny" Nauman

Jerry Smith - Becky Smith

Donna (Aspengren) Yeager - Mickey (Wright) Rehard - Conrad Rehard

Ruth (Cook) Haag - Jerry Haag - Lyle Simpson & Jan Pepper

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