East Des Moines High School
Class of 1956

45th Reunion

Plans for the 45th Reunion are firming up! The committee recently sent out a letter {here} with details and a dinner reservation form.

A group met on June 6th to discuss a 45th reunion in 2001. The group consisted of : Jeaneene (Miller)and Larry Carlisle, Shirley (Grant) and Bud Robinette, Larry & Jackie Solomon, Robert Trotter, Larry Fogelson, Pat(Rounds) and Larry Hockersmith. We are in the process of hunting for places to hold the activities for an informal Friday nite get-together and a Saturday nite dinner. Right now, we are looking for the locations, to nail them down, with other details to be worked out later. (See status report below - dates and locations now firm!) If anyone wants to serve on this committee, please contact one of the committee members. It would be nice if we could get some kind of prelimary advance notice as to what kind of crowd we might expect for the 45th. Right now we are just shooting in the dark figuring it could be anyplace between 75 and 175. Please respond if at all possible. We should have things pretty well finalized by the Dec. NewsLink. But, plan for it now. Notification of intent to attend can be sent by email to ehs56@ehs56.org. Sending to that address will let everyone know you'll be there. If you haven't done so already, you'll have to subscribe to the mailing list before sending your message since this is a "closed" list, open only to your classmates. Procedures for "subscribing" are here and on the EHS56 Home Page.
Janeene Carlisle and Larry Fogelson send the following status report:

The date of Friday, August 31st and Saturday, September 1st of 2001 have been set for the 45th Reunion of East High class of 1956. We have plans in the making and are open for any extra ideas, also any help would be appreciated. We have reserved Echo Valley Country Club for Saturday night. Our "Getting Re-Aquainted" Friday night event is now scheduled to be held at Prairie Meadows Pavilion. This is a seperate building that will hold up to 180 people.

Headquarters Hotel!

The following has been received from Larry Fogelson regarding hotel rooms for reunion attendees:
Several individuals have contacted us concerning a central place to stay for the upcoming reunion. After checking numerous locations, I have reserved a block of rooms at the following location. Wingate Inn Airport - 1/2 mile south of the DSM airport 1-800-557-7048
This is a fairly new and impressive looking facility just south of Army Post Rd. off Fleur Drive. They have a indoor pool, and a free continental breakfast. They provide shuttle service to the airport, plus provide shuttle service to the Southridge Shopping Mall about two miles away. The group rate that they have given us is $69.00 per night plus tax. Like most cities we have a hotel/motel tax plus sales tax so I think the taxes will be about 14%. They are supposed to reserve a combination of rooms, single beds, two beds, king beds, smoking and non-smoking. Call 1-800-557-7048 and ask for the group rate for" East High School Class of 56" for the dates listed below. They take all major credit cards. They have already told me that this rate is lower then AARP or any other discount, and there will be no additional discounts. If you want to only stay one night, or longer they will work with you. They will hold this block of rooms until the 17th of August, at which time if they are not reserved, they will be released. I reserved 25 rooms for Friday night Aug 31st, and Saturday night Sept 1st. They said if reservations exceed the reserved block, they will try to accomadate us. Hope to see ya all soon.
Larry Fogelson

Updated 5/15/01. Provided courtesy of The Fast Lane.